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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chapter Two

Rose Charlwood frowned indignantly. “I can’t believe Justin didn’t want my influence.”
“Other mothers would be proud of him.” Soledad Sanchez told her, shaking her head. She knew that wasn’t what was bothering Rose. Rose was as proud as a peacock over Justin. He had turned out far better than what her father had predicted would become of ‘Rose’s son for that peasant’. Former Governor Crane had been furious when his daughter had become pregnant for lowly Richard Bennett and she had told him she had no intention of aborting or giving up her baby.
Rose was mad that Justin didn’t come to see her first. Rose was mad that Justin had chosen to go to his father’s house instead of hers. Rose was mad that Grace was going to see her son before her, was going to hug her son before her.
“You know Justin adores you but he doesn’t get along with Ben.”
“He gets along with Grace.” Rose retorted.
“And that is good, Rose.” Soledad said soothingly, “Grace being friends with him allows him to get along with his sisters and his father.”
“Justin changed his name to Bennett.”
“You can’t expect him to continue bearing the name of his grandfather who dislikes him.” Soledad replied, privately feeling that ‘dislike’ was too mild a word to use to refer to how Rose’s father felt about Justin.
“I know Soledad, I’m just been unreasonable.” Rose said after taking a deep breath, “I’m just angry that Grace gets Justin just like she got Richard.”
“Stop talking like that. The last thing you want is for Ben to hear you.”
“Who cares? Besides, he must be with his mistress right now.”
The door bell rang. “Excuse me.”, Soledad said and left Rose in the private drawing room. She walked into the grand sitting room and got to the door. On opening it, she saw the face she disliked and schooled her facial features to a neutral expression.
“Good Afternoon, Mrs. Hotchkiss, Miss Hotchkiss. Mrs. Charlwood is in the drawing room. Please follow me.”
Rebecca and Kathleen Hotchkiss walked in haughtily, not saying a word to Soledad. Rebecca Hotchkiss was Rose’s upper-class friend and classmate who also married late Banking mogul, Ben Hotchkiss. She was medium in height with a robust figure, red gold hair accomplished by the best hair stylist in the area, with cold blue eyes. Her daughter, Kathleen was model slim and tall with cornflower blond hair cut shoulder length and blue eyes.
Rebecca tried to look extremely pleased to see Rose but the truth was she was terribly jealous of Rose. She pretends to be a good friend but Soledad and Rose privately knew that from the day Rose Crane became Rose Charlwood, Rebecca had made Rose her sworn enemy. The fact that Rose was richer than Rebecca could ever hope to be was privately driving her mad. Rebecca would have really loved to be Mrs. Charlwood but Alistair Charlwood, the patriarch of the family wanted an alliance with the then-Governor Crane and didn’t mind that Rose had a son out of wedlock. That in particular had infuriated her because it was Rebecca who had told Rose’s father that his daughter was pregnant. Rose had told her confidentially and had even announced that she was running away with Richard to marry him. Rebecca had never supported her friend’s relationship with ‘that peasant boy’; truth be told, she was half jealous of Rose’s getting such a hot guy’s attention. If she were honest to herself, she had wanted his attention too and was really annoyed that he had taken an interest in Rose.
Rebecca wished now that she hadn’t done that. Governor Hotchkiss was so furious that he made sure Rose never saw Richard again and would have gotten his way in having the pregnancy terminated had Rose not vowed to tell the story to the press. Not up to a year later, when Justin was but four months old had Rose been coerced to marry Ben Charlwood. Rebecca was angry because she had wanted Ben for herself, having kissed him in the Governor’s gardens on the day of the announcement of their engagement. Unknown to Rose, Rebecca had been trying to seduce Ben for two years now.
She forced a beautiful smile and hugged Rose, “It’s been so long, Rose.”
“You too, Rebecca. You’re looking good.”
“Hello, Rose.”
“Kathleen, my dear. It’s been so long.” Rose hugged her and looked at her up and down. “My God, you have grown to be such a beauty.”
“Thank you, Rose. You’re as gorgeous as ever.” Kathleen replied.
Soledad came into the room with some refreshment as the three ladies sat down.
“How’s Ben?”
“Somewhere, I don’t care.” Rose answered Rebecca.
Rebecca laughed. “His mistress?”
“I suppose so. I can’t believe Annette would stab me on the back like that.”
“Oh, come on, Rose. You banished the poor man from your bedroom for ten years and you expect him to be celibate?”
“Of course I don’t expect him to be celibate. He has been cheating long before I banished him, even from the beginning of our marriage. I just didn’t expect my Personal Assistant to be one of his playthings. I can’t believe I actually offered her a room in this house.” Rose sipped her tea and continued, “I’ll never forget the day I actually caught them in the bedroom.”
Rebecca hid a grin. The scene had been so appalling she wished she was there. Hell, she wished Rose would tell her to move permanently to the house. The Charlwood mansion was so magnificent and beautiful she would actually feel like a queen in a castle.
“Enough about my ‘fascinating’ home life. Kathleen, I can’t believe how much you’ve grown.”
“Yeah, she’s a CPA now.” Rebecca said with pride.
“Justin is an attorney now. In fact, he actually got a job with Winthrop, Winthrop and Winthrop.” Rose couldn’t resist retorting that way.
“Please, his mother is Rose Charlwood.” Rebecca said, as if his achievement meant nothing.
“He actually got it without my interference.” Rose said, realizing how proud she was of that fact, “You know Justin has been a bit touchy about my influence.”
“That’s true.” Rebecca said, privately thinking that Justin was a fool and that she knew just what to do with the Charlwood influence.
“I’ll really love to see Justin again.” Kathleen said.
Rose smiled, remembering that Kathleen and Justin had attended the Richarde boarding school and had even dated for a while.
“It would really be nice if you can rekindle that old romance.” Rose teased and then sobered up immediately, “That is, if there’s no other-”
“Justin has always been the love of my life.”
“Great! I’m totally in support of any romance between you too. Think of it, Rebecca. We’ll be in-laws!”
Rebecca laughed, “I agree. Justin is definitely a hunk like his father.”
Rose laughed but inside she felt a lot of pain. Justin was definitely like his father.
The only man she had ever loved.

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